Amigos de las Aves USA --
The Parrot Fund
"Wild Parrots --
Keep Them Flying!"
Amigos de las Aves USA, now known as The Parrot Fund, was founded in 2002 to further parrot conservation and welfare. All donations are tax-deductable and are used 100% to further this cause; no percentage is taken for administrative expenses. You may donate via check (address at bottom) or online through one of our Network for Good or PayPal buttons. (Please note they - not the Parrot Fund - charge a small fee for this service.) To donate via interbank transfer, please contact us at email You will be mailed a receipt to the address specified in your donation that may be used to claim a tax deduction to the full extent of the law.

If there is a particular project you would like to help with a donation, you may make a recommendation to us via email (or at our old email . If the project meets our criteria, we may be willing to help support it. If we decide for some reason that we do not wish to support it, we will notify you in and return any donations you may have sent.
Page last updated: January 4, 2012
Visits since March 23, 2008:
"Working for the future of parrots
since 2002"
If you are an individual or organization working in wild parrot conservation, conservation-oriented captive breeding, parrot welfare, veterinary-medicine projects concerning parrots, parrot-associated environmental education, or similar efforts and you need a vehicle with which to receive tax-deductible donations in the US, contact us at (or our old If you meet our screening criteria and are legitimately helping the cause of parrot conservation and welfare, we may be able to help. Please note that we give priority towards supporting projects and organizations with which we are working or have worked.
* Mailing address:
The Parrot Fund
2806 Socorro Ct
College Station, TX 77845-7717